Let's see....Raced the Westlake Worlds; 39-40 miles, gotta prime, worked hard and tried to leadout JV....Jason got the win.
Twin Sizzler:
First time for me...I'm becoming Bulldog's personal SAG wagon I think. :-) He calls me from the road; he needs me to stop by his place before the race and pick up his bike, er and Satan's speedsuit....mind you I'm no morning person, but NP. I get there and hey how about my Polar? I grab anything I think he may need (helmet....) and take off. No points for the race, I've heard the road is really rough....Jimmy does a great job detailing the race. Long story short, I race with the 35+ elite and wonder if I'm going to be able to wake up/warm up and if I'm going to get blown off the back. I ended up feeling pretty good and stay up trying to help out "Killer" by bridging up on the 5000 attacks that took place. Jimmy & JV rode well and worked on the earlier attacks. I remember asking both of them how many "matches they had left to burn". Smith Street felt like NASCAR at Paris-Roubaix. Mike and two others from Lake Effect made a great move up the right side; I was in jail - boxed in the center and couldn't move and yelled at Killer to go! Go he did. The group rounded the turn 4 across and then hit the last corner for the final sprint. I finally got free and made up 5+ places to put me somewhere around 12-15th. The way they placed people was better suited for running with everyone needed to go through a chute "the way you finished". Somehow they messed up and wrote me down for 6th when that was Killer's place. Do you want my sweet pink ribbon, Killer?
David & Gary rode like studs (just like they always do) in the elite "young guy race". Sadie, Linda & Michelle M rode in the women's.
No data on this race due to stupid (me) forgetting to hit the start button on the polar! We did a little over 25 avg I hear though. Rode 15 miles right after with Killer to end the riding day for me.
Hit the tow path, yes Gary, the tow path with anna, michelle and two friends that are just getting into riding. Did just under 16 on the Bianchi SISS and had a good time.
I wish you would have let me know about the towpath ride; you know I always like the scenery on the towpath.
Is the "scenery" that good on the towpath?
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