Monday, April 2, 2007

Bike Camp Day Four

I gotta tell you that as a pure "put the miles on" trip....I'm not real happy. However, the weather has been great, it's been fun hanging out with Gary, my brother, Pat and in general, just having some fun.
Enough on that...we got up and drove my brother and his roommate to downtown Tampa early & were going to meet Pat on the Pinelas Trail that Pat wanted to do. So I'm thinking some good tempo work and around 50+, right? Well, we screw around trying to find the place and meet up with least we are starting more on time and the weather is great again.
OK, the stats; 41.7 miles, 3:04:39.7, avg speed 13.5 & max 28.4 mph, heart rate avg 116, max 169, CAD avg 89 & max 114. Temperature went from 78' to 87'F with no climbing except for the overpass(s). Actually it was good interval work with all of the stop-n-starts and overpass "climbs".

Thanks for reading,

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