Seemed like everything was breaking, getting fixed & weird stuff happening....the power cable fell on the hood of my rental car while the Cooper was getting fixed, plus a lost day of work.
My Polar stops showing speed and distance, but does show power and cad? WTF? So I'm about ready to cut off the power sensor and have installed the basic speed and CAD sensors and Gary saysd I should wait til he gets there to snip off the wires. Well, he gets here doesn't really do anything to the damn thing and it starts working again! The picture below shows the duplicate system....just like a govt project.
Things started to get better...some of the gang got together for Mike's going away party....Tim F, Micheal "Cocaine Kitty" L, Matt O, Gary & Sadie were there along with Mike and his SO.
And why does Gary always look like the devil.....?
I think total miles was around 75 or so....Westlake is not going to be nice.
No more whine, just work.
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