Sunday, August 26, 2007

SnakeBite Racing Valley City Race

Well, the team's big race of the season was yesterday & as always Linda did a great job of organizing and executing the race. Many thanks goes to all of the team members that helped out in working at the race.
Some of the folks were:
Linda & Pat Miranda
John Ehrlinger
Gary Burkholder
Jim Nichols
Mr., Mrs. & Matt Orehek
Lynn Marut (did your goof-ball husband really have to show up and race?) ;-)
Ray & Yi Huang
David Steiner (thanks for doing everything and giving up you racing that day)
Eric Gibb (my Fav triguy)
Dave Kovach
Chris Belowich (for showing up as a driver w/o a car to drive - LOL)
Peter Scacheri
Carolyn Spengler
Aimee Millward
Tom "the killer" Keller
jeese, whom am I missing.....

I was at the corner of SR303 and Lester shown were taken while I was stopping traffic, so they are not the best....

The rain held off until the last race of the day was done and then the heavens opened up in a big way! Too bad I couldn't race, but as President, I feel that I need to help out.....there will always be racing.

Anyway, thanks to all the team members that helped and make it a success and for the racers that made it a blast to watch. It's always fun to see what Paul Martin is going to do along with all of the men/women that I know from the Cleveland racing scene.

Thanks for reading,

1 comment:

Donny Frey said...

John appears a little to happy about being "single" in that photo you took of him. Yet the most disturbing observation is that the cop is looking as if he might take John up on the offer. :-)

The coolest thing about the photo is even from a distance you can tell Brother EPO is ripped!