So, one of my favorite races of the year and I have a chest infection and am on antibiotics for it. Naturally I'm bumming, but Gary, Jason & Jim will all be there to represent SBR so I just figure to ride support and try to finish the race.
Jason, Gary & I were racing in the 48+ CAT 4 field along with two Orville riders that we had talked about working together during the race with. The plan was to have us up at the front around the 9-10 lap down time and have Jason and an Orville guy go off of the front and the rest of us block. Sounds good to me; I'll work as much as I can for Gary & Jason. At the start of the race I hit the gas to get up to the top 10-15 in the race; I had raced this last year and knew how important it was to be up close to the front. I'm with Jason or close to him most of the time actually feeling pretty good. Jason takes off as planned, I scoot up front and the group acts like I'm going to pull him back in 'cause nobody goes after him and I slowly decrease my speed from 27 to like 20. Finally everyone jumps and brings back Jason. About then I start wondering where is Gary? With about 7 to go, Gary comes up along my left side with a strong move to the front; I can't get in behind him so I move wide right and try to make it up that side to help out. About then I see people flying and a bunch of people going down hard. I look to see who is involved and I think I saw Gary go down. That freaks me out and I keep looking for him as we take 3-5 neutral laps; I think I see Gary get up with his bike and I relax thinking he is OK. (I found out later that was Jim picking up Gary's bike while they were taking him away on the board).
Let's cut to the chase and here is what Gary had to say....
I remember attacking hard on the left just after the round about. After that I don't know what happened (I'm guessing someone might have come out and into my tire or bars). I realize people are huddling around me; I tell them I don't need to go to in the ambulance, but they insist since I was KOed. I was pretty dazed. I remember a guy named Andy from the ambulance, who told me to remember his name. I had to help the medics release the straps on my Sidi's.
I'm a little more sore today (Monday) (hip, shoulder and ribs), but I expect tomorrow will be better.
His Giro helmet saved his butt big time....He'll be out racing soon. What a scare though.
Jason came in 6th at the race with me around the top half (24th) and Jim got 3rd in the CAT 5.
17.8 miles
HR - 166 avg/178 max
speed - 24.3 avg/32 max
CAD - 100 avg/121 max
watts - 307 avg/798 max
temp 84'
Thanks for reading,
That’s great news though that Gary is going to be O.K. So why didn't you call to tell me what happened? You’ll talk to me when you need advise about buying a camping generator but not when a good friend gets hurt?
I just can't do any freak'n thing right, huh?
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